Engineering and Design Services
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Loyal Manufacturing Corporation's Engineering Department provides its customers with "Total Customer Satisfaction" in every project and can assist in all phases from concept through delivery of product. No project is too small and our staff is more than happy to assist with any type drawing or product sample. All quote requests are processed in minimal time and we can assist with design, reverse engineering (from sample parts), problem solving, and prototype services. We utilize CAD software and can read customer's supplied electronic drawings in .dxf, .pdf, and .dwg file formats. Drawings can also be faxed or sent by U.S. Mail. All sales and quote activity is held in complete confidentiality.
Use the "Request Information" button to contact us, and attach your design documentation for our Engineering Department to review. Then work with our Engineering Department to confirm your design requirements and receive your quote.
Industries Served
- Climate Control Enclosures
- Commercial Furniture Brackets & Shelves
- Commercial TV custom vesa brackets LCD / LED / Plasma
- Custom Carrying Cases
- Custom OEM Circuit Board Enclosures
- Education Audio/Video Equipment
- Electric Motor Bases
- Electrical Enclosures & Panels
- Food Service Industry Brackets, Enclosures, etc.
- Furnace & Air Conditioning Brackets, Panels, etc.
- Health & Beauty - tanning bed components & brackets
- Industrial Lighting brackets HID / LED
- Industrial Plumbing Valve Enclosures
- Medical Devices
- Military Brackets & Enclosures
- Pet Supply Brackets & Enclosures
- POP Cash Storage Cabinets
- Printed Circuit Boards
- Public Utility Safety Testing Devices
- Safe & Vault Brackets
- Security Equipment & Devices
- Specialty Fasteners/Brackets
- Transportation Safety